Daily Announcements
Announcements Monday January 13th, 2025
Spanish Club Movie Night! Come to room 133 to watch " The Road to El Dorado" and enjoy some snacks! Wednesday 1/22 from 3-5. Please sign up with a Spanish teacher so we have enough snacks.
To celebrate the start of Semester 2, Class of 2026 are bringing Nothing Bundt Cakes! This will be an only preorder fundraiser and those that preorder will be able to pick up the Friday, February 7th of Super Bowl Weekend to enjoy during the game that Sunday! Bundlets are $6 each and the form can be found in your google classroom. Please turn in money and complete the form by January 22nd by 3pm!
Interact will meet on Wednesday, January 15th in Mrs. Benson's Room at 7:15 AM. If you are unable to attend, please see Mrs. Benson.
Attention Juniors: MCHS will once again be offering an ACT Seminar for Juniors in preparation for the ACT test this Spring. Doorway to College will present their ZAPS ACT Test Prep to help prepare our students. It will be held at MCHS from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM on Monday, March 3rd. Go to www.DoorwaytoCollege.org to register.
There will be a meeting for next year's registration on the half day on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Current juniors will go to your 1st hour attendance and then report to the auditorium. It will be about 45 minutes so after the meeting, you will report to your 2nd hour. Current sophomores will go to your 3rd hour for attendance and then report to the auditorium. After the meeting you will go to your 4th hour class. Current freshmen will go to 5th hour for attendance and then report to the auditorium. Once the meeting is completed, you will go to your 6th hour. You will hear the presentation on options for next year and receive the registration form. It is also available on the MCHS website under Guidance, Registration information. See your counselor if you have any questions.
Turkey and Cheese Wrap, Goldfish Cracker and Mandarin Oranges
Combo: Chicken Tenders
Polish Sausage, Steamed Cabbage and Fresh Grapefruit Half
Combo: Chicken Patty
School Closings:
M.L. King Day January 20th
Presidents Day February 17th
Casimir Pulaski Day March 3rd
Spring Break March 22nd-30th
Easter Break April 18th-21st
Last Day of school May 23rd
Memorial Day May 26th