What is the 101 Next plan and what will it provide for the community?
- Replace three separate buildings with one connected building so that all programs are under one roof
- Secured entrance, vestibules, and visibility
- Improved science labs and classrooms, including a mix of new and renovated spaces
- New and renovated restrooms
- New cafeteria at ground level that functions as a multipurpose space and could serve all students at once, if needed
- Replace aging HVAC systems with energy efficient system
- Upgrade electrical service (most panels are at capacity)
- Upgrade plumbing infrastructure
- Improve site traffic flow
- LED lighting
- ADA accessibility
Why is this project needed?
Today’s best practices for safety and security require limiting the number of open doors during passing periods and keeping students from going from one building to another in all weather conditions.
What exactly are we getting from this project?
How was the community involved in developing this plan?
In 2023, the District put together a committee of residents, faculty, parents, and students. This Committee became the foundation for 101 Next.
The current proposal takes into account the work of 101 Next, two sets of survey results, and the Board of Education’s discussions.
Why doesn’t MCHS build a new school?
After reviewing results from an additional community-wide survey, the Board of Education did not support asking the community to vote for such a large investment, so the project was scaled down to $67 million (from a previous amount of $126 million).
Why do this now? Wouldn’t it make sense to wait?
If the campus is open at lunch and students still must go outside to GAVC, how are we addressing security?
With this plan, the District can limit the entrance points for students to enter the building from the outside at lunch and from GAVC. Additionally, the entrances will have a security vestibule to help ensure no unauthorized parties enter the building.
A new cafeteria is part of this proposal. Does that mean that MCHS will no longer have open-campus lunch for upperclassmen?
However, that does not change the need for a modern cafeteria at ground level that is air-conditioned and adequately sized to serve our students. If the decision were made in the future to close campus, this new cafeteria would offer enough space for all of our students to eat lunch on campus.
How will you accommodate students impacted during the construction?
How will this project benefit academic departments?
What is the timeline for the design and construction?
- Spring 2025-Spring 2026: Facility and mechanical design
- Spring 2026-Summer 2027: East/front parking and addition
- Summer 2026: Phase 1 interior remodeling
- Spring 2027-Summer 2028: North parking and addition
- Summer 2027: Phase 2 interior remodeling
- Summer 2028: Phase 3 interior remodeling and completion of project
What will this plan cost?

This calculator is for a 30-year, $67 million building bond referendum in April 2025 that assumes the current
market value of someone’s home will increase by 5.05% in levy year 2024 and 3% in levy year 2025, consistent
with projected total EAV growth rates.
Wouldn’t it be better to wait until there is more business development in the District resulting in greater tax revenue?
When the District does receive new revenue streams, there may be opportunities to refinance the bonds and lessen the impact on taxpayers.
Wouldn’t a county sales tax increase for facilities cover the cost of this project?
How are other school districts able to build new schools without raising the tax rate?
How does the MCHS tax rate compare with that of other school districts?
Why haven’t previous school boards and administrators proposed building projects or saved money for a new building?
School districts also are not allowed to stockpile money for projects of this magnitude without having a plan in place. They would otherwise have to “spend down” those savings and/or lower the tax rate.
The time has come to make a decision because money is going to be spent regardless – on either maintenance or improvements. The longer this is delayed, the more it will cost in the future (a long-term average increase of about seven percent each year).
Aren’t there grants available to pay for this construction?
How are we able to build on the front lawn? Aren’t there mines?
Would school consolidation eliminate the need for this project at the high school or save enough money to pay for the project?
Is it true that the cost of the stadium upgrades completed in 2020 was the same as the cost of this project? Was the money for the stadium upgrades donated?
Why was an elevator installed knowing that this proposal might be put to the voters?
The elevator will provide everyone with full access to all five floors of the current building. That will not change with a new addition and renovation. In fact, the new addition will also include an elevator that serves that portion of the building, but it would not reach all five floors of the current building.
If this question is going to be on the ballot, why are gym renovations also being considered?
My taxes already went up $1,000 in the last couple years. Why didn’t the high school use that money to pay for a new building?
Is there a plan for renovating or replacing the areas that are not included in this proposal?
What are the benefits to this proposal compared to doing something less expensive or nothing at all?
I don’t have children who attend MCHS. How does the bond referendum benefit me?
What happens if economic conditions change and prices for projects increase?
What is a bond referendum?
What is the ballot language?
Shall the Board of Education of Morris Community High School District Number 101, Grundy and Kendall Counties, Illinois, build and equip an addition to and alter, repair and equip the Morris Community High School Building, including constructing secured entryways and new classrooms, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) labs, performing arts and other instructional spaces, cafeteria and library/media center, improving heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems and technology infrastructure and equipment and constructing parking lot and drop-off/pick-up zone improvements, demolish other buildings on the Morris Community High School campus, and issue its bonds to the amount of $67,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?
How do I vote?
Can I vote early?